Tuesday, June 20, 2006


ok so this is what is new with me. my brother came home on sunday and that was great. he is different but in a good way. before my brother left he was one of thoes guys were if you talked to them they were really quiet and would just mumble or grunt in response. now my brother will actually have a full conversation with you. it is weird. you still have to initiate the conversation but my brother is not keeping me copleatly shut out of his life anymore. i am glad to have him back althoe i do have to share the computer again and i will occasionlay find and empty boz off food back in the cubord but thoes are just little annoyances that i am used to living with. it is good to have him home. like i said in my last post you never really appretiate your sibling untill they are gone for a while. well this is mostly me just rambling so i am done. oh and have a good summer every one and good luck with exams!

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