Saturday, January 17, 2009

so i was reading a book today forget what its called some random book that i picked up at work. and there was this one line that literaly made me lol. i think some of the customers thought that i was on crack cause i was randomly laughing...they could not see the book.

anyway the line was along the lines of

"if you ever want to make your boyfriend happy just blow up a car with a rocket launcher"

of course in the book the main girl who was talking was trying to take out a mob boss. and also she did miss and ended up hitting her own car. which the guy found histaricaly. knowing my luck if i ever had to take somone out with a rocket launcher i would end up hitting my own car :P.

but yes i found that quote funny.

umm i wonder were one can buy rocket launchers...incase matt ever gets emo and needs some cheering up.

also whose car would i destroy. lets all hope for our cars sake that matt never gets that emo.

becasue im thinking me + rocket launcher = alot of cars going up in flames.

so i will end with this

save a car make sure matthew is happy!!



Bryi said...

"if you ever want to make your boyfriend happy just blow up a car with a rocket launcher"

I actually laughed out loud. Hard. XD

What a great way to deal with depression! Heavy firepower and a gasoline filled target!

Anonymous said...

so can i be emo. pleeeeaaaase? i wants to see car go booooom!!!