im just going to say it and put this out there, but you know what. women are really freken annoying. honestly. men, and lesbians i have a question, why are you attracted to us? cause i know for alot of it god knows its not the personality of the overal species. i am a women and i find my own gender so annoying that sometimes i get an urge to blugen somone in the head...maybe thats a little extream. but in fact most of my friends are male, or are tomboys like me. i just cannot stand the girly girl females. the ones that spend countless amounts of money on makeup, and pedicures and all that other bullshit. just feading the montster that socioty created called consumerism. wispering in females ears you need to buy this, or do this or act like this.
my god sometimes it even seems like our gender is dumbing itself down. and i dont get it. i want to scream at some females what the fuck are you doing. not only that but for somereason out species or gender gets joy out of putting men in tough courners. take for example my parents last night.
my dad orders soup.
mom: "oh is it as good as the soup that i make hone"
dad: * clearly stuck in tough situation lie and say yes. or dont lie*......"its better"
mom: *smiles*. see laura you dad knows just what to say.
me interanalty: gnhfidaso;ghisa;hgd;s
so...what your saying. is you know my dad is lieing to you, infact your encouraging it becasue you want to hear that your soup....that you better then some soup that we went out and paid for. do you get joy out of making your man being stuck in that kind of situation, and making him lie to you. or do you just feel like you need to hear it to get some kind of confidence booster? i know bit harsh for me to say but common girls.
put on your big girl panties. we should not need to be constintly begging for compliments, we are stronger then that! we should not have to waist money on make up, and crappy fake nails to feel beautiful, we are already beautiful honestly i dont give a fuck if your 100 pounds ,or 500 pounds its the whole confidence thing that makes you look good.
stop acting stupid. i know some girls just are not that smart same as some guys just dont have their britests moments but one of my biggest pet peaves is when a girl is purposly dumbing herself down just so she can have attention, or fit in more in socioty. i have friends who do that and honestly i have found myself distancing myself from thoes people. because its fucking stupid. you act stupid for attention and then you get all offended becasue people treat you like your stupid and dont know anything. if you want to be talked with instead of talked to, like a little kid. then show us that you can handle that.
read a book for once. follow what happening in the world. join in on conversations. contribute. even if you think you have nothing to probably do.
honestly..sometimes i feel like the whole female group is purposly trying to make themselfs stupid. i mean there are acceptions like my friend karen who is probably one of the smartest people i know, who if she sees anything pink she gets an urge to burn it. and who gets urges to do something manly if you even remotly call her girly. karen is amazing. which is probably why im such good friends with her, among a million other reasons. but sometimes when i am surrounded by thoes girls who just..i donno dont seem to think. dont seem to even try to break the steryo types but are the ones that seem to feed it, and make it bigger.
i just wanna scream and say what the hell. and it really makes me wonder honestly guys and lesbians..and anyone else who is attrackted to females. why are you? what the hell?
makes me wanna get a sex change and be a gay man sometimes because honestly at least then i would not be the same gender as some of thoes girls.