Friday, March 06, 2009

who watches the watchmen?

i just did. and let me just say as a movie fan. and as a fan of the graphic novel that movie was fucking epic and i would most defnitly see it again.

and omg i saw blue penis. thats right they did not censor out dr manhattans penis, and it was made to look realistic..i saw blue penis on the big screen and i will admit there were times i was not even listeng to dr manhattan in the movie there was the immagutre little fan girl inside me going he he his penis is big....on a big screen and its fucking blue.

i also loved rorscach and not just the character becasue i was inlove with him before i even saw the movie. like i said graphic novel fan girl. i has a rorscach action figure for crying outloud. but i loved the guy who played him i think that he did an amazing job. he he there was a seen where he killed someone in the bathroom and you dont see what happens but he comes out after you hear the toilet flush. and see blood running out of the bathroom. i just might have a sick sence of humor but i found that fucking hilarious. and apperently so did others in the theater casue i heard a fair amount of laughter.

so yes all in all this movie rocked my world an i am going to have buy it as soon as it comes on dvd. i would say im so going to go see it in theaters again and even though i want to considering im grounded i doubt i can convince my parents to unground me for a couple hours again to go and see that amazing movie. im pretty sure they only let me go so they would not be stuck in a house with an emo fan girl for a month. and i know this sounds harsh but when i found out i was grounded i was more emo about not getting to see rorscach on the big screen then the prospect of not seeing my boyfriend.

silly me and my fetish for masked men
phantom.....v for vendetta....and now rorscach

oh and yes almaris i did take my action figure to the movie. and my friend got me a picture of me at the theater by the watchmen poster holding my action figure...ims a dork but thats okay casue dork is the new cool dont you know.

anyway. yes thats me being fangirl exsited. anyway here is a link to an actual movie review if you wanna read it

this person does a good job.



Bryi said...

"the immagutre little fan girl inside me going he he his penis is big....on a big screen and its fucking blue."


Masked men are horribly sexy! So are masked women, but there aren't nearly as many of those. Woe.

ARG I'm actually even more excited to see the movie now. It's such a weird feeling lol.

Anonymous said...

I has chocolate!!!! sugar free... BUT CHOCOLATE!!!
YAYAY!!! lol mum, dad, I'm pregnant..... Just kidding!