Monday, July 20, 2009


you have to love adventures. even if they dont work out the way that you would like them to. so addy, karen and desided to go up island to courtney on an adventure. we took the train up there and back. this is going to disapoint karen a bit but i am not as much of a train enthusist as she is. i would rather go on a road trip. i mean. i would definitly chose the train over the grey hound cause its more comfortable and its cheeper. but if i had the option to drive i would. anyway so sunday morning we get up early and we catch the ten oclock train. this is a five hour train ride (so long) but it was fun. there were lots of pictures taken on that train ride. there were actually lots of pictures taken in general on that trip but alot of them were taken on the ride up.

then once we got to courtney it was a ten minute walk to our hotel. we chilled for a bit then addy and i desided to go on a quest for irn bru. but this irn bru was not technicly in courtney. oh no that would be way way way to easy. it was supposed to be in quality foods in comox. so addy and i desided to go for a long walk to the store. i was stupid as usual and wore jeans. so we walked an hour and a half in the scortiching heat to comox. when we got to qality foods they were out of irn bru. (fuck fuck fuck). oh well we had an adventure although im pretty sure that i got a bit of heat stroke because i had a burning head ache for the rest of the night. addy felt pretty bad and i was kind of a bitch and buged her about it a bit to much. i was joking but sometimes that can go to far. we took a taxi back to our hotel so that we would not have to walk an hour and a half in the heat to get back. that was like 20 bucks right there to get back.

once we got back i desided to go for a swim in the pool with karen to cool off. addy went up the road to look at the lybrary. then i kinda just zoned out in the hotel room grabing my head trying to make the trobbing pain go away. and addy went for a walk. and checked out hot shirtless guys apprently and got comments on her awesome shirt. which is actually my led zeppelin houses of the holy shirt. (addy i want that shirt back. i will lend you a different zeppelin shirt if you want but i want that one,). then karen and i took some amusing videos. which addy was included in later once she got back.

fiona was supposed to hang with us but unfortinitly she did not get out of camp untill around ten and did not show up till around 10:30-11. the sleep was not that great there were people yelling and running up and down the hotel slaming doors and knocking like crazy. silly drunk people. it was not untill about 2 in the morning that i could not take it anymore so i called the front desk and complained and eventually it got quiet and i got some sleep.

then the next day (today) was full of the train ride back. i actually sleeped for most of that. it was cute though at one point i woke up and in the seat across the aisl from me there was this little kid and she was waking up from sleeping also. we both sort of had that sort of grogy sort of just woke up stare on us. and we were both kinda out of it and looking at each other. so i waved at her. and she waved back. she was cute.

also as i stared out the constant amount of trees going by the little kid in me was thinking how awesome it would be to just live in a giant tree house. not like a kids tree house. but to actually have enough money to hire professionals to build an actual house that could be in trees and live in it. then i started thinking if i was that ritch and i actually did that i would not want just to live in a tree house paradise. although it would be awesome. i would want to actually do something with my life. i mean if i was that ritch i would still want to be a preschool teacher. then i thought.


how awesome would it be to have that much money build a tree house/ preschool. aslong as it was safe enough. how many kids would want to go to that school. how awesome it would be. well i guess my house would be higher up in the tree. the school would have to be lower, so incase kids fall they did not hurt. basically not in the tree at all. but still it would be pretty freaking awesome.

then after this thought i fell asleep again. dreaming about wonderfull things such as living in a tree. being like tarzan and jane. running away from civilizaton and just living in the woods.

if only.


addy said...

lol rrrrrrrrrrrrr

Schmizenheighmer said...

yay trees