Thursday, December 24, 2009

weird dream

today is christmas eve and i had a very odd dream last night. so a bunch of people and i were in vancouver. it was all the orginal sc crew. before stupid things started being said and friends started disowning each other. anyway it was christmas eve in my dream and all of us were on the bus trying to get home for christmas. but well catching the last cty bus to the ferry. i saw this one very dirty and extreamly young skinny lady put a five year old girl on the bus. she bent down to the girl and said "stay on this bus till you get to the final stop, then get on the ferry. your dad will pick you up on the other side". then the mother (who looked like a hooker in all honesy in my dream) got off the bus.

my friend karebear was sitting beside me on the bus and made some comment about not likeing kids and being dissapointed that we had to sit beside one during the whole bus ride to the ferry. i on the other hand was wondering what kind of mother would just ditch her child on the bus heading to the ferry well going downtown vancouver. (like i said this was an odd dream). during the bus ride in my dream i sat beside this child during most of the ride. and played with her, and amused her. then we got to the ferry. but well still on the bus. i realized that the girl did not have her shoes on. and all my friends had run off the bus without in a rush to get tickets for the most recent ferry. i quickly helped the girl put on her shoes and grab her backpack. then asked her were her jacket was, considering it is winter and she would be cold and all. The girl said that she did not have a jacket. i mumbled something under my breath about bad parenting i do not remember what it was.

i then told the girl that we would have to get off the bus and walk iver and buy some tickets to get on the ferry. when we finaly got to the booth. i asked the girl where the money was that her mom gave her to get on the ferry?. she surched her pockets and backpack and said that her mom must have not given her money cause there was none there. so i pulled out my visa and paid for both of us. thinking im not going to ditch a child at the ferry terminal cause either A) she lost her money or B) mostlikley her mom did not give her money in the first place.

i was also thinking in my dream well this was happening that there was a chance that sence she is meeting her father on the other side he could maybe pay me back for the ferry ticket. the next thing i know in my dream i hear someone yell "stop police". then i get arrested in my dream cause apperently the girl on the bus was kidnapped and was missing. and the police in my dream think that i kidnapped her.

then after being cuffed i wake up from this dream..

it was weird. what the hell was that dream saying?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


yay winter break i am done my exams!!! i desperatly need a break. the sad thing is yes i am very exsited about christmas but thats not what im most exsited about. what im most exsited about is the fact that i get to sleep in more now. no more waking up at 6:50am to bus into victoria till january 6th.

its funny. their are about 8 presents under the three right now, and all of them are from me. i think its because im the person who likes to put the presents that i buy under the tree right away it makes the room look more christmasy, well my parents like to wait till it is even closer till christmas to put them under the tree.

today was also my last day at this practicum, i felt sad leaving. all the children in the practicum ended up singing me a good bye song. im going to miss them. also the my sponser educators gave me a christmas card and huged me good bye. they said if when i graduate i ever need refurances to get a job i am more then welcome to use their name, and that i am also more then welcome to come and visit them anytime as long as i am not to busy with school and my other practicum.

i also found out that when i graduate with ecce here it transfurs perfectly to be an ecce in england. so if i wanted i could go and work in england for a year. i think this would be really cool. The way that this degree works is after two years and graduating you get your licence to practice. then you have a year to get a cirten number of hours done, you need to get these hours done to keep your licence and also to get the licence to run your own preschool. i was thinking you know instead of staying here i could go and get thoes hours in another country that would be cool. i was orginally thinking when i graduate i would go volunteer in an orphanage in another country but i dont think that counts for the actual hours i will need to get unfrotinitly. so i have to work for a year. and if i do that i might as well go work in another country. i am thinking of seeing if it is the same in scotland. because the uk is pretty the same from what i know. it would be realy cool to go and get an appartment and work in scotland for a year as a preschool teacher and then come back if that was possible.

also addy, if i did that then i would be in the uk around the same time you would because we graduate the same year, you would be in the navy and i would be teaching little children. funny. although you will be able to stay and i would be going back home in a year.

so this is what im thinking, it would be cool.

this is all thats new with me. im glad i get a break

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

agg, preschool stories

a story from a preschool. due to confidentiality i cannot say actual names or the place but i can do enitails.

so there is this boy ill call him x. and another boy in the preschool ill call him y. so x is new to the preschoo. he is a nice boy, a little quiet but his one challange is that he does not know how to express himself when people are buging him or getting in his way so he will push or hit them. We are working on getting him to use his words and he is honestly getting better there are less hittings and shoving happening in the preschool and more space sharing and all around friendly ness.

then there is boy y. boy y is an only child, clearly spoiled. and if i was not supposed to be more professional when working with children i would call him a brat. he has thrown his food around, spat gum on the floor (i dont know why his parents gave him gum) and likes to have lots of attention. he actually pulled his penis out of his pants the other day and ran up to children yelling look at me, which ill admit was a little bit funny but still.

anyway. so y and x are playing today and i am watching them but then this little girl got pant all over her hands and i had to help her go to the bathroom and wash her hands. when im done helping her and we come out of the bathroom y comes running up to me saying that x has hit him. so i go up to x and i talk with him i explain how we are not going to hit our friends because preschoo is a safe place. x says he did not hit y. i dont know what to say at this point becasue i did not actually see anyone hit the other person, but x is a hitter and a pusher. so i have a talk about making a friend feel better, and how we dont hurt our friends. x apologises and y smiles and walks off.

then later in the day i see y running through the class room with siccors waving them around well he runs. i see him doing it and i take his hands crouch down to his eye level and explain how its not safe to run with siccors. y looks and me and yells "x did it". it is at this point after i talk with my sponser educator that i learn that y has been tatleing on x all day for things that x has not doen, but its a way for y to get attention. becasue he has picked up on the fact that x has been hitting people and y can blame him for things.

i feel bad for most of the practicum after that. cause i remeber what it is like to be a kid who gets accused for something i did not do, and how much it sucked when the teacher did not belive. and then i just did that exsact thing. but i also understand how it is hard to see everything. but still, x apologized when he did not have to becasue y was pointing fingers and i belived y.


Monday, December 07, 2009

its time for a less depressing blog. so update. that class where i got a bad mark i got a test back from it and got 100% on the test im going to say that, that is fucking awesome. christmas is getting closer and i am still a little kid and am getting exsited. as for shopping i have so far bought some friends presents, my dad a present but im getting him another, my mom a present but im spliting that one with mark and i want one to be just from me so im getting another, and one for mark and if i can find something else that looks interesting to him then i will buy him a second present also. oh oh and today i got a ginger bread house and i am totaly setting it up on wednesday that should be fun.

and i convinced my mom that we need to go and get a christmas tree this weekend so we will be doing that, and i really wanna put more decorations up to make that house more awesome.
im also hopeing that i will be the one who gets to set up the manger this year, cause my dad sets it up wrong when he does it. he puts the animals outside the manger and the people in, when the people are clearly supposed to be outside and the animals in. i mean common a women shows up to a barn to give birth they are not going to kick all the animals out in time before she goes into agonizing labour. her screams might scare them out, but i am sure animals have heard weirder things in their life time.

so hopefully more chrstmas things will be set up, winter break starts soon this is my last week of school for this semester it makes me ever so happy, i mean i am enjoying my classes but i really could use a break. im also going to tell my boss that i dont want extra hours because like i said i need a break, i hate going strait from fulltime school onto full time work it makes me so tired and stressed. i actually stated developing an eye twitch in the summer i was getting so tired and stressed from always working especially right after school. i think i hid it pretty well and it disapeared right after i went to san fransico on vaction. started to come back in the begining of the school year and shows up every once and a while but not that much and i hope that it stays that way.
that is why i need a break, and christmas with good friedns and awesome family is the perfect way for me to get a break.

merry christmas everyone