Monday, December 07, 2009

its time for a less depressing blog. so update. that class where i got a bad mark i got a test back from it and got 100% on the test im going to say that, that is fucking awesome. christmas is getting closer and i am still a little kid and am getting exsited. as for shopping i have so far bought some friends presents, my dad a present but im getting him another, my mom a present but im spliting that one with mark and i want one to be just from me so im getting another, and one for mark and if i can find something else that looks interesting to him then i will buy him a second present also. oh oh and today i got a ginger bread house and i am totaly setting it up on wednesday that should be fun.

and i convinced my mom that we need to go and get a christmas tree this weekend so we will be doing that, and i really wanna put more decorations up to make that house more awesome.
im also hopeing that i will be the one who gets to set up the manger this year, cause my dad sets it up wrong when he does it. he puts the animals outside the manger and the people in, when the people are clearly supposed to be outside and the animals in. i mean common a women shows up to a barn to give birth they are not going to kick all the animals out in time before she goes into agonizing labour. her screams might scare them out, but i am sure animals have heard weirder things in their life time.

so hopefully more chrstmas things will be set up, winter break starts soon this is my last week of school for this semester it makes me ever so happy, i mean i am enjoying my classes but i really could use a break. im also going to tell my boss that i dont want extra hours because like i said i need a break, i hate going strait from fulltime school onto full time work it makes me so tired and stressed. i actually stated developing an eye twitch in the summer i was getting so tired and stressed from always working especially right after school. i think i hid it pretty well and it disapeared right after i went to san fransico on vaction. started to come back in the begining of the school year and shows up every once and a while but not that much and i hope that it stays that way.
that is why i need a break, and christmas with good friedns and awesome family is the perfect way for me to get a break.

merry christmas everyone

1 comment:

Bryi said...

Yay holidays! A well-deserved break it will be, for you. :)