ok on my last post i was talking about how i was bored and yadda yadda yadda. so werner told me to write a story about : wheeel barrows with sqare wheels, a mand made of paper and and evil twin. well i have writen it. it is not done. and i am sure this story is going to be continued with many posts to come. so werner i hope you enjoy this because you were the one who started it.
All was well in paper land. Paper land was of course the lands were everything was made out of paper. The trees. The houses, the pets. The cars and even the people were made out of paper. One day Raoul the little annoying paper man was pushing his wheel barrow with square wheels to town. His wheel barrow was the only one with square wheels and because of this it went really slow and was a lot of work to push. Thump, thump, thump went his wheel barrow as he pushed it down the road. Then all of a sudden another paper man jumped out of the bushes that looked exactly like raoul.
“Who is this odd character” thought raoul. The other paper man just stared at him not even making a move. “Who are you” raoul asked the random paper man who jumped out of the bushes.
“I am……. raoul” said the other paper man.
“But you cannot be raoul because I am raoul”.
“no your not I am” they argued for hours and hours soon the sun was starting to set and raoul was getting tired of arguing with this alleged other raoul.then it hit him that this guy must be his evil twin. He had heard that there were people out in paper land that looked exactly like you and that they were your evil twins. And that you should watch out for them because there goal was to make a random rain cloud appear just above you. And because you are paper then you would get all soggy and die.
“Stay back evil twin” yelled raoul jumping back from his square wheeled wheelbarrow.
“I am not your evil twin. You stupid fop”. Raoul looked confused the only person who had ever called him a fop was his enemy paper Erik.
“Well if you’re not an evil twin then you have to be paper Erik my enemy but then why do you look exactly like me”.
“It is called a mask dummy” said paper Erik with a laugh. “There is a paper joke shop down the road and they have lots of masks. Funny that they had a fop mask”.
“I am not a fop quit calling me that”. Said paper raoul starting to cry.
“Oh quit being such a baby” said paper Erik with a sigh. “I know that you cannot help being a fop it is just the way that you are”. Paper raoul wiped his nose on his sleeve.
“Well why are you here” he asked.
“To find paper Christine of course” said paper Erik with a smug look on his face.
“Never, you can never have her she loves me not you”. “That is what you think “said paper Erik. He pulled out his paper Punjab lasso. “Prepare to fight”. “You got it”. Paper Erik went running at paper raou