Thursday, October 19, 2006

imiturity act # 2 and 3

you know that your imiture when you plan you turn your inside car wash joke into a dance...
step one: BUBBLES
steptwo: WATERFALL
step three: HURRICANE

you also no your imiture when you plan on ginving a friend a piggy back and when you try and knock her off because she screamed in your ear coughtshannoncough you both end up falling into the mud.


Anonymous said...

are you saying I'm immature?!?!? Come on girl!!!!!

actually, that's okay, I can handle that that...just because that means there's at least two more of you with me on that one...


zeppelinphan said...

hey i never said being immature was a bad thing..being imature is a good thing in my mind. it shows that just because you have to grow up in body it does not mean that you have to grow up in spirit and therefor you are i now take it as a complement when people call me immature..immature means fun

AfterVerner said...

id ont think your definition of immature matches with, say, the definition of immature. But if I used 'Duck' as the worst word ever, then it is. Okay. You two sound funny when you do that bubbles torn hurridcane thing. haha. I'd add a fourth for you, but...that's your job I suppose.