Thursday, January 04, 2007

Breaking the stereotype

So I was reading someone else’s bog and they were wondering why teenagers are always perceived as bad? Or trouble makers? I made a long rant about stereotypes and I could have made a longer one but I stopped because I did not want to fill up to much on her bog. So I have sort of made this list to prove (as if it need proof) that those stereotypes are wrong.

Teens are All Having Sex & Getting Pregnant
-umm no that some teen are having sex… (No idea why) but not every one. With all that we have had drilled into us lots of teens are to afraid to even get merely close to doing that because teachers and guardians have been drilling in our minds since grade six that we could die of freaken aids or something.

Teens are all Violent and Dangerous
- Umm I start to wonder were the crap this came from….paranoid people. I am not even going to touch this one. it will take up way to much space

Teens are Disrespectful of Adults
-not true most of us are very respectful to adults. And what I have found well at least with me is that most of the time when we are disrespectful to adults is when the adults are disrespectful to us first. When they talk down to us and treat us like we know nothing and judge us or act like we are up to no good before they even know us. So yes. Moving on

Teens Don't Care About the Future
- Ha ha ha ha ha were the heck did this come from... it is myth that we care about nothing but fun but how many of us teens have a job…are making a difference, volunterring. I know I volunteer all the time. And every one I hang out with especially this year I have heard talking bout the future and what they are planning on doing. If anything we are worrying to much about the future.

Teens are all High
-high on life, god, friendship, family. Nothing else for me thank you very much

Yes well those are some of stereo types. Hope you enjoyed my little rant.


AfterVerner said...

hee hee. this should be fun. And I don't mind taking up space on your bog. haha.

Sex and crap - They never actually drilled into our heads that sex gives aids and other little nasties. They aid unprotected sex brings those. They told us what works best to avoid it. They told us what doesn't work. They never really insisted on us not having sex. They had a basket of condoms beside the candy. So, for most teens, it's still an options. And with those ragin hormones flying, adults see us as pretty much already committed the deed.

Violent and dangerous? Well, yeah. It might not apply to the female side too much, but in these days of equality, I doubt the validity of that statement too. Have you ever read a clockwork orange? Read it one day. Teenage guys have just outgrown puberty and now have these amazing muscles that they can showoff. And what better way to showoff then by fighting? And with peer presure pretty much ruling us (haha), we are bound to do anything. Gotta save face, right?

Hee hee. I'm not gonna touch that one. We didn't start it. Or the fire. We didn't start the fire.. haha.

Umm...Care about? I would say I care about the future, but im not doing anything towards it. I think I don't want to finish this.

You know whats funny? umm nevermind. I think my head just tricked me. Too much milk. k bye.

Jessica said...

Just so you know, I love this post! It's so amazing, potential for controversy is awsome! As for the sex thing.. a LOT more teens have sex and get pregnant now than gereations ago, it used to be really taboo to even talk about, let alone DO .. and why teens do it? Well..a lot of it's an insecurity thing. As for teens being violent and dangerous? Well..some yet, and some no, just like any generalization it can be very wrong. But as Werner said.. fighting.. But not a lot of weapons are brought into to it, along with "gang beating" like when 3 people will beat on someone else, that just(to me) proves that they don't think they could beat them one on one.. but let's not get to into depth on that one. Disrespectful to adults? Well, acctually, I disagree with you on that one. I think teens in general(and kids!) are pretty disrespectful to adults, especially parents, ask a grandparent or elderly friend how often they said no to an adult.. Betcha they're say never, and if they did..betcha they got quite the wack! Teens don't care about the future? Well..I'm not so sure that's true for ALL teens, but a lot of them don't... And teens all being high. Well.. That's an interesting one. I absolutely love your response to that! High on life, God, friendship, family..awsome. But a lot of teens DO turn to recreational highs because they're..well..bored. I mean, Sidney especially. It's so small.. I think it does have a lot to do with God, and wether people worship him or not, I mean..okay, if we didn't have youth group on Friday and church on Sunday...what would you be doing?
But hey, you seem to have so much to say on a lot of topics and I keep meaning to give you a you wanna do coffee or something??

Anonymous said...

Laura, I don't think that you're gonna have a bog left by the time we're done, it'll all have been filled in. :P

To the orignal post:

"Teens are All Having Sex & Getting Pregnant"

Yes and no. This is just as true, or not true of us as the generation before it. Personally, I think it's less true of us, actually. They're just ashamed of what they did.

"Teens are all Violent and Dangerous"

Dunno who they're talking about. Admittedly I might not be the right one to say this, but it's the 1% who are unreasonably violent who tar the other 99%. Of course, the other question there is what defines violent and dangerous. I mean, to some people, hockey is violent and dangerous. :P I'll get back to this one later.

"Teens are Disrespectful of Adults"

Well, yeah. We actually kinda are. Well. Some of us. At any rate, I think the difference is that we no longer have unconditional respect for anyone. We don't respect someone just for being older than us, and I believe that it's a good thing. We normally respect people who respect us, and earn our respect, and we don't respect those who we feel don't deserve it. The few people I've seen who disrespect adults without cause normally don't respect anybody else, either, so they don't count. Disrespect of everybody is not just directed at adults, though adults might like to say so.

"Teens Don't Care About the Future"

Hmmm...this from the adults who are destroying our poor helpless defenseless planet...and not really trying to do very much about it...that's what's known as "hypocracy." To be honest, I think that nowadays us teens worry more about the future than all the adults do. I certainly do.

"Teens are all High"

I absolutely agree with what you've said. "High on Life" is a perfect description. Well, I just say that life for me is like life for you on a dozen cups of good coffee. :P But still. Again, the 10% who do do drugs tar the rest of us, and it pisses me off. :P

Now to Werner:

"Sex and crap"

I think I managed to avoid all those lectures anyways, though I've never figured out how most of us can be stupid enough to need them. It should be pretty obvious...then again. I'd say that adults pretty much figure that if we're gonna do that we'll do it whether they like it or not, so they're better off just trying to lessen the risks, but their methods I feel would tend to encourage many people who wouldn't already to do it. If that makes any sense.

"Violent and Dangerous?"

Hmmm...equality. Personally, the female side is worse. They get away with more, too. If two guys get pissed with each other, they smack each other, one loses, and it's over. Gals expect to be able to hit a guy and not get hit back, which, in these days of equality, is pretty unfair. :P I just figure that if anybody I'm not friends with is stupid enough to hit me, they deserve to be running for a while.

To Jennifer: (This is getting really long...)

I agree, I love this post too. Check out Shannon's blog if you haven't seen the poem that provoked it, it's a good poem, too. I disagree about you saying that more teens have sex and such, statistics have actually proved that just as many did. The only difference is that it was all quieter and less in the open back then, so everybody just pretended that it didn't happen. I'm pretty sure I even read that in a book somewhere, with references, if you want me to look it up to prove it, just ask. :P You're right about gang beating, it's just cause they're too weak and cowardly to fight 1v1. Anybody with any honor at all just fights, wins or loses, and then moves on. Disrespectful to adults? Well, as I said earlier, I think it's the death of unconditional respect that makes people say this. We no longer respect people who don't respect us. I could tell you a bunch of adults that I respect, but I could also tell you a few who I don't respect. The problem is kinda confusing disrespect for lack of respect. Disrespect makes it sound like it's wrong. Lack of respect simply means what it means--that you don't respect someone cause you feel they don't deserve your respect. Any adult who thinks they deserve more than basic human courtesy because of their senority is an idiot, plain and simple. Caring about the future...well, I agree with you that many don't, but those who do, as I said earlier, probably care more than most adults. Maybe cause we'll have to deal with all the excrement that those adults are leaving behind on the way warming, for instance. At any rate, I do wish more did, but that's not something I can change, I guess. Teens are all high? I so agree with you on liking Laura's response, I do too. :D I don't quite agree with you on boredom, I think it's more peer pressure, kinda. It's in the environment, and apparently it's a cool thing to do--it's become almost like just something that you might do, like we might go bowling or summat. Which is really stupid. Really really stupid. Unfortunately, it's also far too true. Blech. As for God being the difference, I kinda agree. We also tend to resist peer pressure a bit more, methinks, and being at youth and stuff also kinda helps. Who knows? Well, I'd better end this, I'm getting pestered to actually get some work done...

zeppelinphan said...

wow i love that i am getting all of these great responses from people. getting into depth of that blog post.

ya jessica i would love to go out for coffee with you (even though i dont drink coffee but i can buy hot chocolate or something)..umm call me or i guess i can call you whatever is easiest

Jessica said...

Hey Ted? I'm pretty sure my name's Jessica....not Jennifer.

boo1234562 said...

ranting is good, sterio type bad got ya

Anonymous said...

Sorry Jennifer, I was a little frazzled while posting, I think I'd skipped sleep the night before, and I'm horrible with names anyways. :P

Sparrow said...

God I love teenage stereotypes just because they seem to appear out of thin air.

Sex lives - at the age where I was supposed to be "having fun with sex" my nose was in a book! (... actually that one still applies.) The only reason people think that every teenager is sex crazed is because if they are, they're more likely to announce it than someone who hasn't even gotten close to someone of the opposite gender. (ewww boys have COOTIES)

Violent and Dangerous - Bwahahaha... It's a front! We fooled you so bad!

As for the rude and shit - it's my *job* so suck up to people and nod and smile. If I wanted to be rude, I would. But it's just another instance when the majority is grouped by the occasional person.

Care - I think people just plain forget what high school was like once they get past a certain age. The best part about collage is that you don't worry about how "If you don't pass this test you will FAIL AT LIFE" (to quote: Fuck the critics. Fuck the scene. Just be yourself.)

hmmm...I think I wrote a bit too much there...