Monday, February 02, 2009

so i had an epic adventure today. life is just grand

first was one of the worlds greatiest archetects and i help build and amazing tower and a house for a princess and her wonderful horse. then the princess and i desided to build a bridge and moat, of course me the loyal servant will do anything for a princess. then after that i took a journey to another land. in this land i was not a nobal archetect but instead i was an evil beast. this evil beast which i was had come to destroy the land and everything within it. but luckaly there was this one nobal man with a poisionus finger. he did not use his poisenus finger for bad though, only good. and he slayed me the most evil of all beast. i had quite a dramatic death. in which all the people of the village stoped and looked at the evil beast dying and then they cheered on the heroic boy.

after that i traveled even farther when i came to a land full of wizards. were we got in epic douls and most of the other wizards were better then me. i got turned into a number of things such as a frog and then eventually a bannana. after that i got to go on a quest for a young night to find his dimond which he had acedently lost behind the oven of the castles kitchen. then some very nice hair dresses about five i wil say, all decisded to give me a brand new hair do for free, oh there was snipping and brushing and lots of other wonderful things. after that magic journey it was time to go adventure to the land of outside. where there were many games that constantly went on such as tag. and i even saw one young man turn into a turtle and go down a slide. it was amazing. after that it was time to venture back to the castle where there was a great feast happening full of fruits and veggiis and pizza and cookies. (nom nom nom). well there were also stories being told and songs being sung.

after this i unfrotinitly was done my volunteer shift and toad preschool and had to snap back to reality. man i find little kids amazing they are so much fun although they did take some energy out of me. i cant wait to go back and volunteer on wednesday.

umm yes so thats my epic adventure.

oh and by the way because i could not swear today when i was with little kids : fuck, ass, shit, hell, cock, cunt, dam, bitch, ...pussy, clit,

okay i feels better :D

1 comment:

Bryi said...

What an epic adventure! Kids annoy the hell out of me, but I have to admit they have great imaginations and tons of energy. That's enviable.

Yay for enjoying your first day of volunteering!