Sunday, April 05, 2009


im tired...i had a fun but long weekend. lets start with friday, i know not the weekend but it counts. so friday usual stuff. wake up at 4:30am in the morning and go to work. work actually went by fast that day. seeing how it was busy and all. after that i went home and wondered around for a bit. normally on fridays after work when i get home i have a shower and i put on my pjs and i just chill for the rest of the day. but this friday i said that i would go and see a movie with friends. well actually the movie was my idea. so instead of getting comfey for and lazing around. i checked my e-mail talked with shannon and addy on msn then went and meet them for dinner. then the 3 of us meet chris and rina and matt at the movie. the movie, one week. really good. i highly recomend it. i love independent movies. for some reason they seem a little bit better then movies with a high budget. i think that, that is partly because independent movie makers are more about the art of the whole thing and the process of the movie. rather then the money. so i after seeing that amazing movie i went home at about 9:40pm and crashed.

on to saturday. yay for waking up at 4:30 am in the morning again. this time worked moved a bit slower becasue i was tired from the long day before. i felt like i was just counting the time hopeing that it would go by faster. then when i did get out i went to the washroom and changed out of my work cloths into some jeans, and my led zeppelin shirt, let my hair down and decided to start driving to mayfair mall. now normally on saturdays i go home and sleep. so i will be more awake to hang with friends that night. but i told friends earlier that i would meet them at the mall. so i hung out at the mall with stephan and addy. which was lots of fun. i bought more converse. i really should stop spending money. i do have enough saved up for car insurance that im going to have to pay in augest and for the road trip that im planing on going on in augest but still.....i spend to much. oh and if your wondering why i did not pass out that day. im just going to say that spencers gift store makes some amazing energy drinks :P.

then that night was sc, and then chilling at chris' place. watching him scream at zombies on a video game. it was fun. then i finaly went home and sleeped. not that well i woke up like 3 times last night. so i wake up today even more tired. then i go and mini golf with matt, and shannon and jon. that was lots of fun. we also went out for a late lunch. and talked about how the meal between dinner and lunch should be called dunch.... it sounds better then linner. i also gave addy my old pair of converse to borrow.

i think its funny i have lent addy my shoes, my belt. and i offered her a shirt. and she bought a led zeppelin shirt. i was jokeing that i was rubbing off at her. saying things like

"im like cancer i spread and there is no cure for me" she lol'd. and then after i said that matt looked at me and was like "you should have told me this before i started dating you". ha ha . oh also.

i bought a gnome today. it was cute and cool and i had to buy it becasue of the i blame it on the gnomes joke that i have with some of my friends. but i had to come home. after karens today instead of hanging out after. not really becasue my parents told me that i should or because i have home work or any obligation. but because im so tired. i need a me day. i feel like im going to fall asleep soon. but its okay.

i had a fun weekend, i hope the rest of you had a good weekend also!!!

im off to put on my pjs. yay comfyness


Anonymous said...

he he he energy drinks :P

zeppelinphan said...

yays energy drinks :P