Tuesday, February 14, 2006

list of things to do before i die

ok i was very very...... board one day so i decided that i would make a list of all the things that i want to do before i die. so here is the list for your humor and mine. oh also if you have any creative or original ideas that i could add onto this list please let me now/Things to do before I die
1) graduate
2) go to Scotland
3) travel across Canada
4) see phantom of the opera live
5) meet all the living members from led zeppelin
6) send a message in a bottle
7) go to the opera house in Paris France
8) give birth
9) donate blood
10) go streaking
11) write a book and get it published
12) go scuba diving
13) eat haggis
14) see how many marshmallows I can fit in my mouth
15) read war and peace
16) be on every continent
17) join a protest(that I believe in)
18) write a letter to five famous people and see who responds first
19) get my portrait done
20) milk a cow
21) ride a llama
22) fall madly in love
23) drop a penny of the empire state building
24) send Alyssa a hot Scottish guy
25) pet a sheep in ten different countries
26) find out what McDonalds burgers are really made up
27) swim in a pool filled with ice tea
28) go in a hot air balloon
29) start a food fight
30) kiss in the rain
31) go Han gliding
32) moon George bush
33) watch Natasha merry Danny (yes Vegas counts)
34) hug a tree
35) make the word koob popular
36) dance in the rain
37) make balloon dart paint
38) make a giant finger painting
39) make a sea shell necklace
40) read the bible from cover to cover
41) wear an avocado face mask and convince three other people to do it with me
42) go to youth convention
43) ride in a limo
44) dress as a clown
45) create a time capsule with a group of my friends
46) yell drecola on the top of my lungs on a cliff
47) pet a dolphin
48) touch the worlds largest coffee po
t49) dress as the phantom one Halloween
50) adopted a chilled in need
51) kiss a Scottish guy
52) take keyboard lessons
53) touch a shark
54) go to a jimmy page concert
55) see green day in concert(again)
56) watch the movie Casanova
57) have a giant water balloon fight
58) trough a pie in someone’s face
59) get my full drivers license
60) be a audience member in the tonight show
61) be a audience member in the Ellen degenerous show
62) attempt to learn Gaelic
63) pull a all nighter(watch the sun set and rise)
64) witness an eclipse
65) witness a meteor shower
66) find a job I love
67) overcome my fear of clowns
68) buy a Laura Lilly and grow it
69) create my own family tradition
70) do the terry fox run
71) go to bible collage
72) send some one a dozen red roses
73) receive a dozen read roses
74) fly in a helicopter
75) work with kids
76) wear a skirt with my family tartan on it
77) get married
78) run through a field of sunflowers
79) see the ancient ruins of Pompeii
80) take lots of pictures
81) live life to the fullest


Anonymous said...

Guess what?!?!? We're so alike! Over half those things are on my list too!! ha ha! Let's do some together k? hee hee! You totally just made my day! I love your zest for life Laura!! Keep being you!!


Anonymous said...

Guess what?!?!? We're so alike! Over half those things are on my list too!! ha ha! Let's do some together k? hee hee! You totally just made my day! I love your zest for life Laura!! Keep being you!!


Anonymous said...

Laura, ur such a phanalo! But its cool.....i share some of ur goals, but not 10 that was weird

zeppelinphan said...

ha ha ha thanks for all of the comments.
and shireen about number ten i some hous dout that i will ever do it. but hey you only live once .katie you should make a list of your own and then shous it to me. because i want to see it lol.

any way thanks again for the comments.