Wednesday, May 17, 2006

growing up

ok i do not know about you guys but the thought of growing up scares me. yes there will be the gloryus stuff like owning a house and having a cool job and all the other bounces that come with growing up. but it seems so scary for me. i am realizing i am in grade 11 that means next year i am grading. no more high school. no more just lazing around in the summer. this is going to be tecniqly my last summer to be a kid. next summer i will have to have a job if i do not have one already. The main idea of growing up that scares me is the thought of leaving the nice little nest that all my teachers , family members and any other adult role modles have built for me. i know i will not be moving out as soon as a graduate i am most likely going to be the kid that stays home well she goes to collage or universaty. but once that stage is over i am going to have to wory about bill payments and gar insurance and home things all the stuff that adults worry about. maybe i am still to young to be thinking about this but to be honest it worries me.

it is kind of funny when your a little kid all you thinnk is i wanna grow up and change the world but then as you get older (or at least as i get older) you start to think i wanna go back to being that little kid who spent there days running around with the neibours and comming home compleatly dirty and not caring what my parents thought. i dont wanna grow up. i guess grwing up is all part of life but still it seems like time is going by to fast. there are going to be people who read this and are like "quit complaining your still young" that is true but the thought of growing up still scares me.


zeppelinphan said...

hey sarah great to hear from you. thanks for the encouragement. hope every thing is good out there

AfterVerner said...

Well, if you can find this kid named Peter Pan, he pretty much runs a place called Neverland, and he could take you there. I believe that it's the second star to the right and straight on till morning. Although, we may have missed that flight. Even so, I don't think I'm going to grow up. I choose not to. I might age and the body may increase in fragility, but I can cling to things of being young. I have so many older friends who are just like big kids. If they can pull it off, then it isn't impossible...