Friday, July 24, 2009

frustrated laura is frustrated

yay for a bad day. i hate thoes days were you wake up and they end up being bad partly because of your own grumpyness but mainly just becasue bad events. so it started bad with me waking up at 4:40 which i had to wake up for because i had to work at five thirty. but i was kinda grumpy. so most of work was good. the customers were not that bad. sometimes they can be massive jerks but that is only because they are grumpy themselfs because they are stuck in an airport or something. on my breaks i personally made my bad day worse i think. not going to go into it but i did. then at 12:30 the red head showed up. now if you have read my blog before you will know right away that she is the reason for most of my strife at work. she has made alot of people unhappy and im sure the only reason why my boss has not fired her is becasue we are so desperate for people to work right now that she needs the employee. so the red head showed up complaining about the state of the kiosk and then procesded to start doing random tasks instead of cashing in like she is supposed to.

me getting frustrated cashed out and got out of there not wanting to wait to see what else she will want to lecture me with. then when i get to the other side of security to work at the main store. guess who calls the main store to complain? if you guessed the red head your right. she starts complaining about how i did not bring anything over and how its not fair to her. and all that other bullshit. so i politly try to explain that normally when coworkers come over to take over the kiosk they call first and see if there is anything that needs to be brought over because it is not fair for the morning person to have to bring stuff over in the morning, and then bring stuff over for the afternoon person as well. but did the red head listen. oh no she continues to lecture me compleatly ignoring what i just said. so i tell her to make a list and we will sort out getting her the things that she needs.

2 minutes later after this conversation she calls again. and another coworker answeres and says that the red head is specifically asking for me. again she is talking to me on the phone for ten minutes lecturing me, saying that i need to get stuff done and all that crap, be more effecient. eventually i look over and see my other coworker motioning for me to just hang up. so i tell the red head that im busy and that there is lots to do and lots of customers so i have to go and get back to work, i cant stay on the phone and talk with her. i think the offends her becasue in an angry tone she kinda says "well i have work .. and customers to. bye" then get this she fucking hangs up on me. what the hell. okay. then becasue she refuses to talk with me for the rest of the shif (which i dont mind but is kind of childish). she is getting the security gards at the airport to deliver the list of things that she needs.

instad of just picking up the phone and calling us so we can write everything down. omg this coworker is enought to make me want to quit. and the sad thing is no one else in the store likes her either. after we got the list. no one wanted to actualy go over to the other side and give the stuff to her for fear of hearing her rant and complain and all of her usual bull shit.

so that was part of the bad day. then when i got out of work i called a friend thinking i was going to hang out. which she still wanted to but we were originally go swimming but that go cancelled. i was totaly cool with that but i thought i should be nice and call my mom and let her know the change of plans.

we were going to go swimming at the beach down by a family friends house. so i was going to grab there cool 12 year old daughter karlee and make her come down to the beach with us. so when i called mom she said that she told karlee that we were comming and that she was exsited to go swimming and such.

great now im thinking i have to tell a 12 year old who loves to hang (and make fun of me) that we are not comming afterall. this turns into an argument with my mom asking her why she had to tell karlee that we were comming cause now we have to tell her we are not. and i get to be the royal bitch who just cancelled on her becasue the overall group does not want to go to the beach. so now we have an angry mom.

then as i get off the phone and start to walk to my car to go. i get attacked by a fucking crow. this stupid bird flew up and attacked me right in the head. i think it might have scrached it. i think it has babys or something close by. cause it was attaking everyone near the airport entrence. no one warned me. fucking bird i think im going to take a base ball bat to work. kill the fucking thing.

then i saw my manager go into work. and she was talking with my other coworker who i think was ranting about the red head on my behalf. so now my boss is probs having to deal with the red head. and getting an earfull about me

every one but the red head likes me at work. the red head actually said to my boss that i should be fired for doing nothing. I DO MORE THEN HER. at least i dont complain 80% of the fucking time im at fucking work.

forget the crow maybe i can take a bat to the red head lol..jk of course.

so now im calming down and making myself feel better with some vinyl(records) and junkfood

god i hope tommorow is better


jarjar_head said...

I know I'm stating the obvious, but what a shitty day. Hey, at least it's Friday.

~The Muse

Bryi said...

Okay, that rivals even the epic-shittyness I experienced on Canada Day for nine and a half hours at the dollar store.

The second I see you on Saturday night, I am going to give you a massive hug and you are not going to complain. :P

Schmizenheighmer said...

sick the crow on the red head

addy said...

Just remember.... saturday night, crab of the streets STIKES AGAIN!!!!