Sunday, August 02, 2009

derailed train of thought on censorship

hello two people who read my blog it has been a while. so i have something to say. and i am going to start off by saying very bluntly this is not going to sound as good as any rant does in my head. because that is always the case. but i think this is something that needs to be said because it has been floating around in my head for a while. and i know that i have ranted about this in person before to some of my friends.

do some parts of the society that we live in seem like a double standard. for example we are allowed to have free speech. but then there are certain words in society that we are not supposed to say. these words are classified as bad. (i think George Carlin did the best rant about this but i still need to rant anyway). why are words considered bad. it is not written in any official papers that the word fuck or ass or bitch or cunt (sorry dad if your reading this blog i know you don't like your daughter using these words) or any other number of words considered bad. why do people chose to take a simple thing and label it as wrong or bad or demeaning. why are things being so weird in this society?

why is nudity no longer considered liberating in are society like it once was in the 60's and 70's why are people always trying to censor these freedoms. let me put it this way i have gone skinny dipping a number of times. and when i laugh and tell my mom or my dad that i have done this they are fine with it.. they tell me stories of how people would do it all the time when they were growing up. you would just go to a lake and swim ,bathing suit would not matter. it was just normal. but if i were to tell the exsact same story to some of my more ...lets say Christan friends. they would start to feel uncomfortable and wonder why in the world would i want to go swimming naked with a bunch of my friends why would i not want to have some "decency" and stay covered.

my question is why is the human body being seen as something to be covered and something to be ashamed off? why are people being taught from different angles not to feel confident. did you know legally it is okay for a women to walk down the street without a shirt on? guys can do it and so can we. but you never will see a girl do that. not that I'm yelling and saying hey girls its summer take your shirt off, get out there. because i can not see my self walking down the street without a shirt. well maybe if i was wearing bra. that's another thing. why is it such a big deal if a girl is walking around in her underwear. *gasp* omg not something that looks exsactly like a bathing suit (note sarcasm).

words and our body's are being censored and claimed bad. i get dirty looks or scolded if i was to just walk around naked and start yelling out swear words. like fuck this and fuck that. i will admit i do censor my self around little kids because in that department it is the parents is appropriate i guess. but around any one else i should be able to say fuck and hell and shit ass,cunt dick, slut(side not seems more girls, or at least in my group are bringing this word back and using it in a loving term, slut,bitch and whore is a new way of saying hey bud i love you). but you know i really don't get it. words are powerful that i understand and yet some of them are not supposed to be said. we are told by people that we are young and to get up and speak our mind but not to speak our mind if it includes certain things. speak your censored mind, speak your mind if it is appropriate for all to hear. fuck that shit.

i wanna sing loud in the sunshine and pray hard in the rain. and if i chose to do so, naked, swearing and covered in mud. that should be my choice. (urge to go streaking in the rain on a muddy day growing)

there are so many issues in this world that involve politics, and the earth that i could be jumping on but for some reason the one that bugs me the most is censorship. i think that's why i buy random movies about a kid starting his own radio show so he can say whatever the hell he wants. why i like watching movies that push the limits like anything Kevin smith that has done. people my not agree with me on this but i think weather you like him or not you have to admit that Seth mcfarline is a pretty influential guy on today's generation. he pushes the limits on what is and is not appropriate to be shown on TV. he makes his audience uncomfortable. and sometimes the things in his show family guy can seem just plain stupid. but you know if you look at it. you can also ask yourself why am i offended by what he is showing? why do people find the need for this to be censored? why was this showed never aired?

question your feelings!!! ask yourself why you think somethings are appropriate and others not. why do some words like slut or bastard or queer hurt yet others might not?

and example of this going back to this is the whole language and power of words thing. I'm going to use the word fag. people use this as a negative towards gay people all the time but it does not have to be like that. i remember talking with my dad about my uncle who just so happens to be gay. and my father used the word fag. i was immediately taken back by this..wonder how my dad could use that word. seeing it as wrong at the time. i asked him dad why would you say this word... especially considering that your talking about your brother. my dad started to explain to me how it is not the word itself that is bad but it it how you use it. i then asked my dad if he ever called my uncle a fag to his face. my dad said yes. i then asked if my uncle minded. my dad said no. i paused to think about this conversation and realized how absolutely right my dad was about this whole statement. it is not the words that are bad it is how you use them and say them.

i donno. censorship pisses me off. i am getting tired of censoring myself. i don't swear at home because my parents don't want it to come out of me. but i swear with my friends. some would say its a youth way of rebellion but if that is so then how come you see groups of "grown" adults act the same?

this train of thought is slowly coming to and end. or derailing and coming off the tracts because i don't no how to end it. so i think i will end of saying something that was said in that movie that i bought and just watched about the kid who started his own radio station.

talk hard. don't be afraid to say what you feel, and stand up for your actions.

also here are some recommended viewings

7 words by George Carlin

and a video by a YouTube viewer that i like :

if you have parents in the room who you have to censor yourself around i suggest you wear head phones for the first vid. enjoy


Bryi said...

Fucking AWESOME post. I've been anticipating this one for a while.

I plan to have a more coherent comment when I have regained some brain power.

jarjar_head said...

I think the views of nudity and sexuality espoused by the hippies in the 60's were a foil to the growing Christian conservatism in America. The two movements fed off of each other.

Words themselves are not inherently bad or offensive, neither are the ideas they represent. Certain groups of people feel threatened by certain ideas, and they seek to disrupt the use of words associated with them. The claim that a word is offensive is nothing more than a red herring. People do not have the right to not be offended.

I do not call myself a libertarian, but government agencies should not have the authority to censure unless it involves national security or a majority of the citizenry lobby for it. Private broadcasters/publishers can produce or not produce as they desire.

~The Muse

Rosie! said...

fucking amazing post. you're so.. indepth here! i love it. i agree with it! Ftw -> fuck the world! Censorship sucks.

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