Saturday, November 14, 2009

stupid customers

s i have not updated this blog in along time and i feel like i need to so this is probs going to be random considering that im starting to write it at 12:30 in the morning. but i was thinking about all of the stupid customers that come in at work. and i know that this is not a creative rant as there is a whole website dedicated to customer stupidity. but this blog entry is going to be about what customers have said and what i secreatly wish i could say in response.

stupid customer #
1) "hey do you work here"
actual response "yes can i help you"
what i wish i could say *sarcasim* "no i dont, im just standing here in a full uniform that happens to match the uniforms that all the emplyies that work here happend to be wearing. becasue i find it wonderfully fun and joy full to go into stores and fuck people over on my days off when i could be hanging with friends instead of being here"

2) this customer was standing right beside the frige with all the water
"do you sell water"
actual response: "yes it is right beside you, if you wanna grab it i can scan it in"
wish i could say: "did you even look, or are you so uncapable of doing anything that you have to ask without even trying to look for things"

3) "do you sell coffee"
actual response: no sorry but the starbucks right across from us does
wish i could say. "well if you turned around you would notice that the huge fucking store across from this little kiosk actually is a coffee shop. and being a kiosk there is no room for even a simple coffee maker so what makes you think i could make coffee"

thoes are what i wish i could have said now for story time. this stort is called lazy dumby

lazy dumby:

this lady is standing by the chocolate bars stairing at them and she is there for a fair amount of time so i assume that she just trying to decide what it is she wishes to buy. then after 20 minutes she grabs a coffee crisp waves it around and yells "EXCUSE ME.. CAN I GET SOME HELP OVER HERE". i look at her and say "yes, i would be pleased to help you if you could just walk over to the till i can ring in your purchas" "oh" she says. "well i guess that its my job to make things easier for you and not for you to make things easier for me" she walks around to the till and slams the chocolate bar on the counter. i ring it up and she starts to pay for her chocolate. then she continues on how she should not have had to walk around and how i should have come to her and i should have served her. now if this lady was in a wheel chair i would have been glad to do so seeing as the counters on the kiosk are high and its difficult to manuver around but seeing that she is a perfectly healthy female who has the ability to use thoes legs that god so generously gave her i figured she could manage to walk to the till.

any way after several minutes of her lecturing me on crappy service my politeness could only take so much and i looked up at her and said " im sorry mam, but i cannot physically pick up the till and movie it to whicever side of the kiosk that you wish. it is much eaier for you to just walk around". she does not have a response to this so she grabes her chocolate bar and walks off in a huff.

oh the joy of work. i cant wait till the days when i have a job were im actually exsited about going to work instead of dreading it and thinking in the back of my head. what the hell is going ot happen today

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