Tuesday, November 03, 2009

people who anny me on the bus

people who annoy me on long bus rides.

1) the girls who wear too much perfume: okay wearing a little bit of perfume is fine but im talking about thoes people were you can smell them as soon as you walk into a room and you feel like your going to sufficate becasue you dont have anymore fresh air. its even worse when they continue to spray themselfs during the bus ride and you start coughing from the stench but they still dont take the hint. this happend to me once on an hour long bus ride from my house into victoria. dear god i wanted to punch this women in the back of the head because she was sitting right infront of me. why did i not move you ask? because the bus was full. why did i not open a window? because i was up stairs on a dubble decker. that was not fun. i spent the entire trip breathing into my sweater just so i did not have to smell her overpowering perfume. lets just say yes, i did take a big deep breath of fresh air as soon as i got off the bus.

2) people who open the windown during winter (cold, rain): this pissis me of because usualy the bus drive himself has to blast the heat just to keep people warm. and then some idiot who desides that he wants "fresh air" has to open the window. and when you ask them to close it they dont listen to you then just tell you to move away from the window. or there is the other senario for me were the person who opend the window is one of thoes bus creepers who you dont even want to talk to. there are also the ones who open the window who are big intimidating men, and me being a small cowerdly female dont have the guts to ask them to close the window. so in that perspective i guess becuase of my cowerdness i have not right to complain. but in all the other cases you find yourself sitting there shivering becuase this person wanted to open the window. also the onse that say they are too hot and are wearing like five layers. if your too hot, do every one else on the bus a favor and please take off your jacket, or some of your layers. we do not wanna be cold because of you

3) people who do not respect personal space: okay i get on the bus sometimes it is full and you all have to act friendly and squish together. it is understandable especially when your one of the people on the bus who is standing. but i do not get people really getting into your personal space when you have your own seats. ill give an example. so yesterday i was on the express but going down to school. and then this older lady sat beside me. normaly i prefure that if i have to sit beside someone on the bus that it be an older person. cause you can talk with them about stuff. and there is usualy less a chance that they will be a creeper. but this old lady sat down beside me pulled food out of her bag started eating and then was partially leaning over me so she could look out the window. i know i should have just asked her to traid seats that would have been a problem solver. but really lady, come on. if you want the window that bad you can ask. i dont need your food crumbs to fall into my lap just because you want to see view out of the bus window. its kind of annoying.

4) creepiers: if you have ever taken the bus you know these people. not to be sterotypical but all the creepiers on the bus are usualy men. its rare that i have run into a female creeper. they are the onse that will get on the bus and kinda stager. not becuase they have a mental dissability or anything but becasue they are sometimes drunk and its not that its a bad thing for people who have had to much to drink to get on the bus. but its the people that look dirty, smell bad, give you the really creepy vibes like oh my god please dont sit beside me please dont sit beside me. and its the fact that you probs on the 2 in the afternoon bus and they smell of alchole. I find that whenever i have the option for a double decker bus i go up stairs. it seems to wean out the creepiers. they dont go up stairs as often. i know i sound really judging people who might just be having a hard time in life. but like i said if you have ever taken a bus. especially if your female and you have taken the bus alone you know thoes vibes were your like hmmm something is wrong with that person. please for the love of god do not let them sit beside me.

those are all the people i have for now. im sure anyone who reads this can think of more types of annoying people on the bus. feel free to give me your examples in the comments.


Bryi said...

That basically sums up the four reasons I avoid buses like the plague when I'm alone. It's not so bad if there's someone with you.

Anonymous said...

the teens that blast their music at 1000000 billion trillion decibils...... not that I'd know anything about that -.-