Wednesday, February 15, 2006


wow does anybody else just find them selfs thinking about there childhood. it seems just like yesterday. yes i know i am only 16 and according to the goverment or whatever i am still a child but it is great to look back on thoes days when i did not have as much resposability as i do know in high school. so i was wondering(please comment) what games did other people do as children. off the top of my head some things that i remember doing are.
-sliding down the stairs in my house on one of thoes giant books. that was fun so much for reading
-does annybody else remember pog. i used to play that so much
- ha me and my naiboours would louge down my road on skate board when we were little .that really was not safe
- my naibours and i were also the sterotypical canadians we would play road hockey all the time. we would even hold our own tournament, the trophy was a juice bottle filled with cessnuts
ahh so many good memorys. anyway for anybody who is reading this i whant to know whatcrazy,cute or just plain funny things you did. so please comment


Anonymous said...

geez, i remember when i was a little kid i used to go skinny dipping and stick my tongue on metal poles in the winter....

then again.....10 years later i still do that.


Anonymous said...

I remember pogs! Good times! Oh! And polly pockets! And of course, barbie. Dad built my sister and me a playhouse in our backyard which we would use frequently while also playing dress up! hee, I love remembering childhood games! Even something as simple as that hungry hippo game or trouble, or plain hopscotch and bubbles! Wow, do kids even know how to entertain themselves without electronics anymore? That would make a cool sociology test...hmmmm....

zeppelinphan said...

oh ya i totaly fogot about polly poket i loved thoes and hungry hungry hippos. it would be coll to do a test to see if kids could entertain themselves with out electronics you should do it sarah.
thanks for the comments