Thursday, November 02, 2006


random title i know but i think this is mainly going to be a rant with a bit of confusion so i was unsure what to put for a title. so today for comparative civilizations we went on a feid trip which was lots of fun and we learnd some cool things. but i do not think it was thoes things that really stuck with me on the trip. on the bus ride back to the ferry i saw people listeng to their ipod's, girls playing hand games, friends talking, and other people sleeping and other people just being goofs singing to the johnny cash music that was blaring out the speakers.
and i think it is memories like that, that will still stick with me when i am older. ..liz wrote a blog earlyer asking why is it that we seem to remember the bad stuff more then the bad (sorry if i interprated that blog wrong) well i am one of thoes people who loves to people watch.. i love to see how others interact and intace thoes memories . memories of friends laughing on the bus,..being goofs singing to johnny cash, going and getting slurpies. or just sitting in a hot tub and having a good conversation. (hot tubs are excellent for that buy the way..have a friend who has a hot tub and you want to have a good conversation raid their house and do it)

wow i just lost my train of thought.......ummm like i commented on liz's blog lots of times we remember the bad stuff because it is more shoking to us..and it has been scientificly proven that, that stuff is just easier to remember. and sometimes all we can do is intake the good memories and drown out the bad... i am sure if every one who is reading this were to try right now to come up with ten good memories and then try to come up with ten bad memories it will be easier to come up with the bad memories.

when i am old and possible i have grandchildren i hope i can be one of thoes people who has cool stories to tell them. about the me and sarah went through the car wash, or the time i feel down a clif.. wow this blog is random.. i was thinking about this more in detail on the bus i wish that i had writien it down..but i did not have a pen. .... oh well maybe more of it will come back to me later and i can write more....

dont you find that anoying when their is something you want to say and you lose your train of thougt and forget what you wanna say. i need to start carrying a pen and note pad with me so that, that does not happen any more. any way hope you all have a great day or night


matteo said...

ok on the first part u have a hot tube dont u so technically u just invited us over ok and yes we all need our own personal scribes to right down our deepest thoughts or someting like that i kno i would love that to happen maybe in the future ah oh and yes good or bad memories at least u got memories

Anonymous said...

It wasn't all that random...I liked it.. you think when we're old enough to be grandparents that car washes will even exist? Or will it be an outdated thing in which our grandchildren will give us blank stares and mock us to their frinds about?!?!?

Sparrow said...

the pen and notebook is a great idea. I started doing that last year and it's been great! You can get the greatest thoughts on paper, and then later look back on them and remember how you were thinking about that topic and what was happening around you.
PS, I highly recommend the 5 Star notebooks. The ones that are a bit smaller than your average piece of paper - they're much easier to tote around, and they have *pockets*!

zeppelinphan said...

cool, great thanks

AfterVerner said...

Mmm fully agree on having something to say, but not remembering what it was, and then sounding like you didn't have something to say. You wouldn't think it would happen to someone who blogs so much, but...yeah.

Grandparents eh? You've gotta go through parenthood first. It's harder to be a cool parent (in the kids eyes) than a cool grandparent. Of course, on grandparents and such, I can't say much.

Memories are sketch my friend. You can remember the smallest, stupidest, most useless thing, that you don't even what to remember really. There just isn't any point. But then you can remember something huge, like that you are meeting someone the next day, or the answer to that obvious question..

People watcher? Like a stalker? Hee hee. jk guys jk.