Thursday, November 16, 2006

creativity in boredom

so on tuesday i was compleatly bored out of my mind. so i decided i was going to do what i think almost any normal bored teenager would do. i signed on to msn. and i started talking to people.. one of thoes people was matt schmidt (sorry if you last name is spellt wrong. i will edit it if it is). and he was telling me how late some of his home work was because he was a big procrastinator. and i was like wow i thought i procrastinated alot but you are worse then me you should get some kind of award. and anyway the conversation continued on that topic and then i decided to make matt a "biggist procastinator award" which was hand drawn. so i did that. i drew a pretty cool award,i think. and i coloured it and i put it in an envolpe which i coloured red because hey all the cool awards are in red envelops.

i also filled up the envelpe with spakeling things. matt seemed to enjoy it and as far as i know he still has the "award" in his binder and has been taking it to his classes.. he he at least now he has the proffe that he is a procrastinator so that he can give all his teachers a fare warning.

well that is about all i have to talk about right now hope you all are well.

oh and a little up date on me..i got a job a tim hortons so yay. i finaly get to start earning money and not just getting it handed to me any more ( that is if you dont count baby sitting)

quote:a great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do- walter bagehot



zeppelinphan said...

let me guess...was that project for science?

AfterVerner said...

Probably. you really shouldn't encourage him eh? And Which tim hortons?

zeppelinphan said...

the one in the air port