Tuesday, May 26, 2009

random thoughts in my head well at work:

-who the hell spends 200 dollers at a gift shop? this stuff is over priced crap.

- why do i show compasion for things that creep me out...like spiders. i mean they are ugly but that does not mean that they should be killed. what makes our lifes so much more valuable then theirs? just because they are bugs. i used to kill spieders till i read a phantom book. erik considered himself ugly like a spider and got really angry about them getting killed. after reading that book i stoped killing spiders i would put them outside. then i heard somewere that when you put house spiders outsied they usualy die because they are not used to being ouside. that made me sad so i no longer put house spieders out side. ill see one running across the floor and just aviod it. or ill try to put them on house plans and such in hope that they will kill the annoying flys.

- is it okay do do one really bad thing for the greater good of the human race. would you be able to shoot one of your pest friend in the head if doing so brought about world peace? would you be able to let your best friend shoot you in the head if doing so brought about world peace?

- i find it funny that they used to consider left handed people spawns of satan considering im left handed and i feel guilty even if i kill a spider?

- what would humans be like if we were actually a sexual? did not need love in order to mate. did not need a partner.

- why do really fundametalist christains want everyone to be christain? i know they think it would be better and there souls would be saved and all that jazz. but in all honesty if every one was the same it would be lame. i would miss the world being so culturaly diverse. i would miss people being different in their own little way. if everyone was christain or if everyone was some kind of religion this world would be sooo bery boring.

- all differnt kinds of people get ranted about. the hippies, the emos, the freaks, the gays, the punks, the christains, any one who is considered not the norm...well the majority of my friends and me fit into thoes categories and i think they are better and more loyal people then that the leaders of social conformity chose to belive.

i know i had other thoughts well randomly pricing crap and putting it out today but i cannot remember what all of them were.


Rosie! said...

-Who's to say what 'normal' is anyways? It's all up the individual to create their own version of normal. ;)
-If everyone was the same, I would go insane. =P
-I've never killed a spider or a bug[except mosquitoes]. At least not consciously knowing about it. I simply can not bring myself to do that, for those reasons. If there was something bigger than humans, would our life be worth any less than the other organism? I think not. So, why take something's life, when it can't even defend its self. ^.^

jarjar_head said...

1) I don't think spiders are ugly. I think they're different. They evolved differently. Also, I hope you're not using 'bug' as a synonym for insect.

2) You might be interested in reading about Utilitarianism.

3) It probably wasn't funny for the people burned at the stake for being left-handed.

4) Life would probably be a lot less interesting. There would be far less genetic diversity, and we probably wouldn't have any genitalia. True fax: Class Mammalia is the only class to have vaginas as an anatomic feature.

5)Religion can really mess people up.6)Yay, I'm different! Just like everyone else.

~The Muse

jarjar_head said...

Oops. That link is broken. Try this one.

~The Muse

addy said...

1) people with no life!
2) i love sqishing spiders... I'm sorry, I'm just evil like that. Yes, I do admit I enjoy giving the spider a voice as my foot desends upon it. BUT I don't kill all spiders, just the odd one now and again when I think there hasn't been enough rain..
3) It would depend on what your scale is for "really bad things". And if it would save the human race, they'd look back years from now and say how brave you were to do something considered "wrong" or "bad". BUT who would decide what is bad and what is not? and who would decide whether or not it was worth it?
6)awwwww thanks sista.. I have to agree with you. I kinda find it funny that the "uncool" people are actually the coolest cats I know :P

Bryi said...

1. Materialistic tourists with a lot of vacation money. Just a guess. :P

2. I hate killing insects, I really do. I'll kill mosquitoes if they're in my room, and ditto for spiders (although I try to let them outside if I can) -- I feel bad about the spiders, but my paranoia means I can't sleep if I know one is in the house. Especially if it's larger than my fingernail. I think that's because of the awful bite I got on my foot because I didn't hunt one down.

I felt worse about killing them after I read that about Erik, also. Hoo boy.

3. That's the million dollar question -- it's up there with the ones like, "You're holding on to a Christian in your left hand and an atheist in your right; they are dangling off a cliff and you must release one of them. If you don't, they will both die. Who do you let go of?" I think when it comes down to it, if I knew beyond reasonable doubt that killing one of my best friends would bring about world peace, or something equally and positively world changing, I would be able to do it. It would upset me, but I could do it. I think "good" and "bad" in their human forms are negotiable to some extent...one good deed does not redeem one bad deed, but one bad deed done for the greater good is an equal sacrifice. It's hard to say where to draw the line.

4. The left handed people I know are among the most innocent (and you know I don't mean sexually, I mean more in personality) people I know. It's gallows-humor kind of funny.

5. I think that if we were exactly the same in every other way, just that we were asexual instead, there would be a lot less violence. Social interaction would be more fluid, and the concept of rape would be almost if not entirely foreign. This is why I like writing asexual alien cultures -- there's a lot of leeway for hypothesis. They could even swing in the other direction, and be violent, apathetic creatures because they couldn't channel their excess energy into sexuality. Who knows.

6. Very much agreed. I tend to believe that most fundies don't think that far. It's like the concept that we'll sit on clouds and stare at God in awe for all eternity if we reach heaven -- if you really think about it, that is not all that entertaining. I don't care how much of a spiritually elevated being you are...that's just not what you want to be doing with your eternity. It's like playing Bingo for ten thousand years, except less so.

7. There are two categories of nonconformists in my opinion. There's the ones who WANT to be avant garde, who WANT to be unique and other and go against the grain, and they're often obnoxious and immature people. Not always -- more so the ones who really did just get that bad-ass piercing to piss off "the system". Then there's the nonconformists who are just like, "Hey, this is the person I am, and I just happen to stick out in society if I act true to myself. Huh. Cool." They just get on with their lives, don't take shit from others, and do strange things in the name of art. Those are the hippies and gays and punks and mentally unstable whackos that I like spending time with. Being a mentally unstable gay whacko in the latter category, I know I'm a pretty cool person, but I'm not out to prove it or anything. I think that's the difference. :P

Bryi said...

Also, because it needs to be said: freaking AWESOME post. Lots of good brain-food here. :D