Sunday, June 14, 2009

urge to go on rant growing. this is not going to come out how i want it to sound. i can say that right now but here is my attempt.

so before i start on a blog/rant here is a definition of beauty that i found in a dictonary:

the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound, etc.), a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest).

so in this definition i dont see any specific example of what someone should look like to be considered beautiful. it just says that it should bring satifaction to the mind. so tha screams to me the whole saying that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
why is it that we are going by magazines idea of beauty why is it that we can look at one person

and consider them beautiful because of traits that are common with societys standards but not common in real women who have actual lives. women who are not constintly in the media. women who have a life and are beautiful all the same.

like i said why is one immage considered beautiful and not another.

im tired of hearing girls compare themselfs to others. saying i whish i had her legs or her hair or her boobs (yes i know i am guilty of doing some of this myself) but why are we only looking at the one definition of beauty. why are we only looking ath the physical. in the definition that i first said at the begining of this blog it clearly said "as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest". personality. that is a big thing too. i mean you can take the most beautiful girl in the world (whatever that might look like in your mind) but if she is a bitch. she is ugly as fuck.... on a note similar note to this that my dad has said to me is "thoes really good looking bitchy girls are fun for a while. but then you grow up and you realize that you would rather be with someone who you actually like to spend time with. someone who you relate to. there are two types of girls. the kind that are only good for one thing. and the kind that you actually want to bring home to your family".

now my turn. just becasue a guy you like does not notise you...or does not want in your pants. does not mean you are not good looking. this does not mean jack shit. especially if you are still in high school. it may be the guy who is an egotistical jerk (this goes both way).

to many girls start to judge there looks based on how men (or women depending what they are into) treat them. and im sorry but im just going to say this ...THATS FUCKING RETARTED. stop putting yourself down

stop needing a man to justify to yourself that you look good

stop reading fashion magazines unless you are grown up enough to realize how fake the women in thoes magazines really are (dud i mean have you ever seen how fucking skinny and stupid thoes women look)

we all have our fat days. this i know. i mean even i have fat days and im one of the thinists chicks in my group of friends. but it is one thing to have a fat day and to actually put yourself down. to dig yourself in a whole. please laddies and men(i know this blog post is mainly directed towards girls sorry). you dont need to do that.

open your eyes and see that you are beautiful. especially all the girls that i know. even the ones that i dont get along with that well (not bad pesonalities. just sometimes people just dont get along for some reasons)

men all this goes for you too. you dont need to be super tall, you dont need to have the rocken six pack. and honestly you dont need to brag about having a big penis or anything along that.

when will people open their eyes.

you are beautiful!!!


Bryi said...

A big YES to this entire post, but most especially this:

"stop needing a man to justify to yourself that you look good"

This is why I get leery every single time one of my female friends starts or ends or even talks about being in a relationship -- I've seen the needing-a-man-to-actualize-existence model so often that it's an instinctual reaction.

I think as soon as we hit the period in history where women were liberated from society, we began to teach them to cage themselves.

Anonymous said...

you should rant more often, you make good points

jarjar_head said...

I think a lot of this 'ideal beauty' nonsense comes from media conditioning. I could honestly care less about silicone and airbrushing, thank you very much. If you look into the philosophy of aesthetics, beauty really does seem to be in the eye of the beholder. The saying 'beauty is only skin deep' is true, but only to an extent. Real beauty lies underneath.

~The Muse

Bryi said...

It may be for a stupid reason, but it is virulent nonetheless. I know a guy who ACTUALLY thought, until recently, that all young women had perky boobs, and that they waxed the instant they saw the female version of 5 o'clock shadow, and that pubic hair comes like it does in magazines (the landing strip, basically).

That's what really makes me rage, more than anything else surrounding the topic. That every successive generation will get worse, because no matter how many instructive and empowering speeches or seminars we hold, it will never be enough to counter the media problem. Little girls will keep growing up thinking they're ugly and inadequate and that they need to worship imaginary ideals -- and little boys will grow up wondering why they had to grow up with all these substandard women around them.


jarjar_head said...

For Bryi, and because I forget it in my last comment:

However, I must credit Dove for their Campaign for Real Beauty.

~The Muse