Sunday, March 19, 2006

women vs crows

ok i have come to the conclusions that women are alot like crows. and this is how

1. you attack one of us and the rest will come affter you ( in other words do not mess with us or you might get a killer weggie. i belive my friends jesse and matt found that out)

2. we are scavangers we can find food anywere( alyssa would definatley find food. she is the best scavanger i know)

3. we like shinny things( for all you guys out there. we will like you more if you give us something shiny. like a braclet or a ring or a necklace)

4. if you touch our chicks we will rip you eyes out with are claws ( me my self not being a mother have never had that experience but i think it works for friends also. mess with one of my friends and trust me you will be sorry)

that is why us women or like crows.

have a nice day .( caaaw caaw)

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